Cajun chicken burger with a chorizo mayonaise

A succulent cajun chicken burger topped with blue cheese and our homemade chorizo mayonaise. The perfect weekend feast.

SERVES: 4 | COOK & PREP: 30 min


  • 4 chicken breasts

  • 1/2 lemon

  • 4 brioche buns

  • Spice mix

  • 1 tbsp paprika

  • 1 tbsp cumin

  • 1 tbsp corriander

  • 1 tsp of sea salt

    Burger toppings

  • Lettuce

  • Parsley

  • Gherkins

  • Blue cheese

    Chorizo mayonaise

  • 4 tbsp mayonaise

  • 20g chorizo, diced into tiny cubes

  • 1 tsp of the spice mix


  1. To make the chicken burgers, place the chicken breasts on a chopping board cover with a sheet of cling film and hit with a rolling pin to flatten them slightly (this will help them to cook them a little quicker).

  2. In a small bowl mix together the cumin, corriander, salt and paprika to make the cajun spice.

  3. Squeeze the lemon over the flatterned chicken breasts, sprinkle the cajun spice (reserving 1 tsp for the chorizo mayonaise) on both sides.

  4. Place a large frying pan over a medium to high heat. Drizzle in a little olive oil, add the chicken breasts and sear on both side for 4 minutes. Turn the heat down low, loosely cover with foil and continue to cook for another 10 minutes until cooked all the way through.

  5. Meanwhile make the chorizo mayonaise. Place the chorizo and remaining cajun spice in a small (non oiled) pan over a medium to high heat. Cook the chorizo for 2-4 minutes until the oils start to release but before the chorizo becomes too crispy. Take off the heat and stir in the mayonaise.

  6. Two minutes before the chicken is done place the blue cheese on top of each chicken breast, recover with the foil and complete the cooking time.

  7. Put your burgers together by spreading the chorizo mayonaise over the bottom bun, add the lettuce followed by the chicken, a few slices of gherkins and a sprinkle of parsley and tuck in.

    (We served ours with sweet potato fries on the side).


Coconut chicken tikka curry


Buffalo chicken wings with a blue cheese dip